Program: FREE Ryan Corbett

Free Ryan Corbett

You can send a check payable to Servants Intl  – to 852 S Carriage Dr, MILLIKEN CO 89543, on the memo line put “FRC” and you will receive a thank you note and a tax receipt in January. Or, use the donate button below and select “Free Ryan Corbett”


Ryan Corbett, a husband, father, and humanitarian, has been held without charge by the Taliban in Afghanistan since August 10, 2022. Ryan is held in a basement cell without regular access to a bathroom, sunlight, or medical care. Westerners released from the prison where Ryan is being held report that he is in deteriorating health.

Ryan’s family has been fighting for his release in silence, but decided to go public because of fears for his life. It’s time to bring this American citizen, who has been designated by the U.S. Secretary of State as Wrongfully Detained, home.